Harry Food
Chapter 1 – Where It All Started
When I was a young kid with a front tooth gap, a booming laugh and unsatisfiable curiosity – I used to run errands at the smokehouse in my dirty jeans on our butcher’s farm in the cold countryside in Austria.
No lazy afternoons – just a lot of grit. The sound of the crackling, fragrant logs in my grandma’s tilted stove served as a backdrop.
I loved the smokehouse, it was my kingdom.
Like a Tiny Willy Wonka in his chocolate factory, I inspected the trolleys and obsessed over the texture of the products. I felt so alive.
Things were a little different after that.
Chapter 2 – My Childhood and Teen Years
“Hey, I’m Harry”
That’s how I introduced myself once again in front of a new classroom with my hands behind my back, looking down at the linoleum floor counting the different scratches.
I had to change schools all the time to avoid failing classes. My mom’s heavy depression and drinking had taken a toll on me. That spark from my wonder years was long gone.
I often wondered, “do I have anything good left to give?“
Chapter 3 – The Young Entrepreneur
One day I forgot my school lunch and I realized: there was nowhere to buy food. You either brought it or went hungry. I asked myself:
“Why not create something for the people that I see every day? Will they like me better then? Will I make new friends if I help them?”
Imagine Vickie the Viking, with his orange hair and pointy finger, thinking about a solution and scratching his nose.
Days later…
I stood in front of the headmaster with soft knees, humbly asking for his permission to launch my venture.
After all, I was the new kid on the block. I was humbled by the opportunity and I had to show that I appreciated it.
The voice and image of my mom pointing at me rattled in my head – “you need to do this all on your own. And you gotta pay for it too. You’re not getting a free ride.”
It was my first crash course in responsibility and finances.
In the past…
I was usually in the headmaster’s office for other reasons. This time it was different.
It took me a while to stutter out my idea, then I watched him react in slow motion – his head moving from side to side.
Like a rollercoaster ride, things were going spiraling down quickly.
Oh wait – that was my imagination… he’s actually nodding!
Cool, I got permission to launch – let’s goooooo!
Chapter 4 – The First Harry Food
I was shaking the first time I stood there with my breast pockets and a huge smile, the school bell still ringing in the background. Kid after kid started to stay in line and I saw their faces light up.
My mission starts and it gives me drive.
Even later on as I entered my lazy teenage years, I set my alarm for 5:00 in the morning every day and cut freshly-baked crispy rolls with a large knife to then stuff them with delicious meat fillings.
This is the only reason I wanted to go to school or work on my assignments. I kept telling myself “I am good at this. I can excel at something.”
As I started obsessing about quality, I felt that I belonged. I cut each bread roll fresh, 5 min before the school bell instead of at home.
Chapter 5 – Harry’s Help is Never Far
Fast forward one year.
Philipp, one of the friends I managed to keep while changing schools, was picked up instead of taking the bus. He loved my school venture and was desperate to get mobile and not be dependent on his parents driving him to school. He lived in a villa in the middle of a vineyard that looked like something taken out of Architectural Digest in Tuscany.
I decided I had to help my friend get the freedom he wished for.
As Philipp parked up…
He could hear his mother screaming “where on Earth did you get the money to buy THAT?” pointing at the brand new baby blue Italian-style scooter with silver accessories and a black leather seat in the middle of her cobblestone driveway.
Philipp could only reply “Uhmmmm from Harry – he has his own store in school.”
His mother stomped to her BMW, drove to our butcher’s farm and smashed 15,000 schillings on my dad’s desk.
I wasn’t looking to get any money back. I was so overjoyed for Philipp, I knew that helping others had to be part of my future.
Chapter 6 – The Downswing
Fast forward 20 years.
My mom had just been saved by paramedics on our bathroom floor. I sat and watched, wishing I could be more helpful. She never returned fully to life after that.
Two decades later, I stood looking at the mountain skyline of the Alps. These peaks will forever remind me of my backcountry skiing friend Stefan.
We got the call on a cold gray spring day in 2018. Stefan had lost his battle a couple of weeks prior. The mixture of guilt and grief is all-consuming.
Chapter 7 – Rebirth
I want to give more and support people living their best lives from the inside out.
You are what you eat after all. Life as a smokehouse assistant and teenage food entrepreneur taught me as much.
The way I see it, meat has always been a central part of my life. Whether it was smoking it, slicing it, or distributing it, I’ve always loved the idea of helping others by providing them with meat of the highest quality.
I truly believe this…
If it comes from a high-quality source, meat supports your brain chemistry, mental health, and physical well-being.
That’s my commitment to you: sharing my way out of pain that became my life passion.
It wasn’t easy though.
I’ve worked hard for more than two decades, building a network of suppliers and partners that share my passion and vision.
Chapter 8 – The Tradinator
I may not be Tiny Willy Wonka anymore.
But, I’ve grown to become the Terminator of meat trading.
The Tradinator: I’m here to get rid of all your supply chain woes.
To this day, that smell and taste of a great steak transport me right back home, wearing dirty jeans with pockets full of adventure.
I’m still obsessed with quality and more sure than ever that I belong. Just like the crackling, fragrant logs in my grandma’s tilted stove.
That’s Harry Food – built by me to help you get the best. I want to see you smile. Food is my love language.
So my friend, if you’re looking for someone who is a meat-head who is obsessed with quality, I’m right here. Let’s make sure your supply chain has all the raw materials you need.
Give me a call to chat about meat and how my passion can support yours.
The Tradinator
Let’s goooooo!